
Welcome back! After our summer break, the September 2024 Rust for Lunch meet-up will be a group implementation session!

We'd like to remind everyone that all participants (speakers, moderators, and attendees) must follow the Code of Conduct during the meetup.

Let's write an HTTP server in Rust

Speaker: Hayden Stainsby

Bring your copy of RFC 2616, we're going to write an HTTP server!

This will be a group implementation session, where we'll do our best to get a curl-compliant HTTP server responding with something simple by the end of our lunch break.

The result

We managed to get a server working with some basic error handling as well as responding to a happy path request with a body. The code has been left exactly as it was at the end of the meet-up, dbg! statements and all!

The code can be found on GitHub hds/lunch.rs: