Rust for Lunch

A lunchtime Rust meet-up

Rust for Lunch is an online-only Rust meet scheduled to fit into a lunch break.

The main part of each meet-up will be short enough to fit into a 1 hour lunch slot and the time is chosen to be a feasible lunch time.

The first meet-up will be scheduled around European and African midday and early afternoon.


The October 2024 Rust for Lunch meet-up will have a single talk with time for questions afterwards.

We'd like to remind everyone that all participants (speakers, moderators, and attendees) must follow the Code of Conduct during the meetup.

Getting started with embedded Rust

Speaker: Sandro Stikić

  • learn how to get started with embedded rust development! my thesis statement is: "embedded development should be fun!"
  • i plan to detail the entire process of flashing a hello world program onto a microcontroller using a pure rust stack
  • what hardware is required/recommended
  • recommended rust crates
  • connecting up the hardware
  • how to write and flash the software


Welcome back! After our summer break, the September 2024 Rust for Lunch meet-up will be a group implementation session!

We'd like to remind everyone that all participants (speakers, moderators, and attendees) must follow the Code of Conduct during the meetup.

Let's write an HTTP server in Rust

Speaker: Hayden Stainsby

Bring your copy of RFC 2616, we're going to write an HTTP server!

This will be a group implementation session, where we'll do our best to get a curl-compliant HTTP server responding with something simple by the end of our lunch break.

The result

We managed to get a server working with some basic error handling as well as responding to a happy path request with a body. The code has been left exactly as it was at the end of the meet-up, dbg! statements and all!

The code can be found on GitHub hds/


The July 2024 Rust for Lunch meet-up will have a single talk with time for questions afterwards.

We'd like to remind everyone that all participants (speakers, moderators, and attendees) must follow the Code of Conduct during the meetup.

Using category theory to parse command line options

Speaker: Michael Baykov

We are going to talk about side effects in Rust and how to manage them using abstractions from Category Theory using command line options parsing as an example. No prior knowledge in either Category Theory or command line options parsing is required, being able to read Rust code and look at pretty pictures should be enough 🙂

Slides (source, presented with presenterm):


The June 2024 Rust for Lunch meet-up will be a group quiz!

We'd like to remind everyone that all participants (speakers, moderators, and attendees) must follow the Code of Conduct during the meetup.

Group quiz

We will go through a selection of questions from the rust quiz and discuss the answers in a group.


The May 2024 Rust for Lunch meet-up will have a single talk with time for questions afterwards.

We'd like to remind everyone that all participants (speakers, moderators, and attendees) must follow the Code of Conduct during the meetup.

How does rendering work in the terminal?

Speaker: Orhun Parmaksız

Presentation title slide: How does rendering work in the terminal? featuring: Ratatui. Orhun Parmaksız

Let's delve into how terminal rendering works by exploring the implementations of Ratatui and Crossterm.


The April 2024 Rust for Lunch meet-up will be dedicated to lightning talks. Each talk will be given 5 minutes for the talk and 2 minutes for questions.

If you would like to reserve a place for a lightning talk before the meet-up (which is probably a good idea), then please contact us. Empty slots, if there are any, will be filled by people who show up on the day and would like to speak.

We'd like to remind everyone that all participants (speakers, moderators, and attendees) must follow the Code of Conduct during the meetup.

Lightning Talks


The March, 2024 Rust for Lunch meet-up. We'll have a single talk and then time for questions afterwards.

We'd like to remind everyone that all participants (speakers, moderators, and attendees) must follow the Code of Conduct during the meetup.

Formal verification for Rust with coq-of-rust

Speaker: Guillaume Claret

With formal verification, we can assert that a program contains no bugs for a specification, covering all execution cases. We present coq-of-rust , a formal verification tool for Rust that we developed. It works by translating Rust programs to the proof system Coq.


The February, 2024 Rust for Lunch meet-up. We'll have a single talk and then time for questions afterwards.

We'd like to remind everyone that all participants (speakers, moderators, and attendees) must follow the Code of Conduct during the meetup.

Faster Rust Serialization

Speaker: Mo Bitar (mo8it)

How to speed up Rust serialization with serde by up to 2.25x 🚀!

What to expect:

  • A simple example with JSON
  • How serialization in serde works
  • Manually implementing the Serialize trait
  • Serialization with the newtype pattern
  • Benchmarking with divan
  • Discussing the overhead of allocations

Related blog post:


This is the third Rust for Lunch meet-up. We'll have a single talk and then time for questions afterwards.

We'd like to remind everyone that all participants (speakers, moderators, and attendees) must follow the Code of Conduct during the meetup.

Implementing a Rust virtual machine monitor for Nushift

Speaker: David Pollack

Nushift is a platform that attempts to be an alternative to the web that has the advantage of shareable URLs, but provides different ABIs/APIs to the web. We discuss the Rust implementation of these APIs, including the organisation into subsystems and the support of requirements like deferred execution.


The second session of the Rust for Lunch meetup. We'll have two talks, each with time for questions afterwards. There will be time for chatting and socializing after the talks.

We'd like to remind everyone that all participants (speakers, moderators, and attendees) must follow the Code of Conduct during the meetup.

Talk 1: Deterministic Execution Time Control for Arbitrary WASM

Speaker: Bohdan Ivashko (arriven)

Sometimes you may need to run an arbitrary wasm code while being able to impose limits on CPU and memory usage. While having precise memory limits is relatively easy, controlling the CPU limits in a reproducible way is a totally different can of worms (Spoiler: it's counting instructions, we'll have to count instructions, but we'll have to do it somewhat efficiently, and we'll do it by analyzing and modifying the original code).

Unfortunatebly the second talk for this meet-up has been cancelled. Instead, the first talk will run a bit longer.


The first Rust for Lunch meetup. Join us online for a talk and questions afterwards.

This session won't be recorded or streamed.

We'd like to remind everyone that all participants (speakers, moderators, and attendees) must follow the Code of Conduct during the meetup.

Talk: Abusing the Type System for Fun and for Profit

Speaker: Conrad Ludgate

Abusing the Type System For Fun and for Profit

Are you absolutely sure that your payments are submitted at most once? Are you sure that your cryptographic library is used correctly? Are you sure that BTree is balanced? I'll explore some useful (and some goofy) ways to use the rust type system to get what you want.

Slides: Abusing_the_Type_System_for_Fun_and_for_Profit.pdf